Term 2 - Week 6 - May 2024
From The Principal
The Impact of Media Sensationalism on Adolescent Well-being
Thank-you to Survivor Gym
TSHS Sports News
Reconciliation Week
JCU Future Student Webinar Series for 2024
Guidance Services
Career Spotlight
100 Year Centenary Celebration
100 Years of Fashion Tea Party
Tully 100 Art Exhibition
Cairns Maritime Jobs & Careers Expo
Coles Winter Carnival
Girringun Tumra Open Day
N Q Lifesaving
Cassowary Coast Regional Council
Bringing up Great Kids
P & C Meetings
FNQ Basketball League
Tully 100 Years
Well Womens Clinic – Tully Hospital
From The Principal
Dear Parent and Carers,
Welcome to the Term 2, Week 6 Newsletter. Thank you to our school community for encouraging and supporting our students to achieve success every day!
A massive thank you to our local employers who are offering to support our Year 10 students with work experience.
Year 11 Camp
Great work to our Year 11 students who have thoroughly enjoyed their camp. A massive thank you to Michelle Kurschat for leading the organisation and to the supervising staff who attended and supported our students. These extra-curricular events make lifelong memories for students and can only occur when staff are willing to devote their personal and family time. Great work to our staff and Year 11 students.
Year 6 into 7 Transition
Our first Year 6 into 7 Transition Evening occurred on Monday evening this week. A huge thank you to our parents and students who attended and to Mark McLoughlin and Ang Bevan for the organisation. Enrolment forms are available from the school office and will be delivered to our Cluster Schools. We encourage all families in our Cluster to support our wonderful school.
Let the ‘Tully 100’ Celebrations Begin
Tully town is turning 100 and is celebrating with many events planned over the coming weeks to commemorate Tully’s Centenary.
Portraits Exhibition Tully Nursing Home
This Saturday, 25 May, from 10.30 am, Tully Nursing Home invites you to "A Celebration through Stories and Art" in collaboration with local artist Valerie Keenan and Tully State High School. Please join us for a morning of art, history, music and celebration in the Leisure Lounge of the Tully Nursing Home. Artwork to be displayed will be created in workshops funded by a Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) grant.
Our Year 9 students, under the guidance of Leandra Willis, have been working to prepare the portraits for the exhibition. The works are outstanding!
100 Years of Fashion Parade
This event will be held at the Multipurpose Centre at our school, and features local fashions. Doors will open at 1 pm: tickets ($20) are available now at Boutique Marie and Raycare Family Pharmacy. All funds raised will go to the Tully Hospital Foundation.
Our Hospitality students will be catering for the High Tea at this wonderful event.
Tully 100 Street Parade
The Tully SHS Student Leadership Team are planning a walking float in the street parade for Saturday 8 June. We are hoping as many students as possible with come on this day and join in the celebrations. All students and staff are encouraged to sign up to support this event. Students sign up in eLearning. Walkers are advised to gather at the Gumboot between 8.30 and 9 am: the Grand Parade will commence at 9.30 am.
School Uniform
The P&C Association, with the support of the Student Leadership Team, are investigating the addition of a school jumper as part of our uniform. The feedback required from the school community involves the question of style – hood/no hood; front zipper/pull over - and colour. Students will be asked to have their say on this design. The P&C are very aware of the extra burden/cost to families and aim to make this as affordable as possible so that all students can access this visual marker of our school identity.
Community Education Counsellor Role
The Community Education Counsellor (CEC) is a school role dedicated to supporting and encouraging our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Sarah Cronin, the permanent CEC, has returned to the full role (Years 7 – 12) and is based in the Student Services hub in A block.
National Reconciliation Week (NRW)
National Reconciliation Week is an annual observance from 27 May to 3 June. It is a time for all Australians to reflect on Indigenous histories, cultures and achievements, and to consider how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation. On Monday,Tully SHS will acknowledge NRW on our full school parade and all students will be invited to a sausage sizzle in Break 2 to recognise the importance of this event.
Your Valuable Feedback
Thank you to parents and carers who have completed the school survey that was messaged to all parents via text on Monday. If you have not yet had the opportunity, could you please do so - it only takes two minutes to complete. The survey will close on Monday and I will share the results in the next school newsletter.
Have an awesome fortnight, and all the best to our students representing our school in the various events planned.
Yours in learning,
Ms Helen Carne
The Impact of Media Sensationalism on Adolescent Well-being
In an era of pervasive and global media consumption, exposure to negative current events and news wields immense influence over public opinion. However, amidst the pursuit of audience engagement, journalism often turns into sensationalism, characterised by exaggerated and emotive storytelling with a goal to ‘sell and influence.’
This phenomenon is similar to yellow press tactics.
Yellow press, also known as yellow journalism, refers to a style of journalism that emphasises sensationalism over factual reporting. It typically features bold headlines, exaggerated stories, and a focus on scandal, crime and gossip, and notably affects adolescents, who are particularly susceptible to its negative impact.
Media sensationalism entails the overstated and often distorted presentation of events to elicit immediate emotional reactions. While this may spike viewership, it disproportionately affects young minds, which lack the maturity and ability to contextualise such information.
The constant exposure to distressing content, such as the many recent knife attacks and other violent crimes, whether through traditional news or social media, contributes to heightened anxiety, depression, and vicarious post-traumatic stress symptoms among adolescents. Furthermore, it undermines trust in institutions and fosters a sense of hopelessness.
Adolescents may experience vicarious trauma, exhibiting symptoms similar to those directly exposed to traumatic events. The availability of 24/7 news through social media and television exposure exacerbates this issue, making it challenging for young audiences to escape such content.
Mitigating the impact of media sensationalism requires a comprehensive approach. Understanding media tactics and their purpose of sensationalising current events is crucial in teaching critical evaluation skills and discerning fact from fiction. Media sensationalism poses a significant threat to adolescent well-being, perpetuating fear and anxiety. Additionally, the long-term consequences on mental health can be profound; parental supervision and open discussions about the content can help reduce such negative outcomes.
For further information on anxiety or depression please see the school website. Click on the following link, https://tullyshs.eq.schooltv.me/channel-newsletter/314, or go to the school website and select the ‘Support and Resources’ tab, then click on ‘Student Services and Support Programs’ in the drop-down menu. You should see a link to ‘School TV’ that you can click on. School TV has many resources, interviews with leading specialists and informative articles on relevant and current topics.
If you notice any anxiety or depressive symptoms in your child or children, please reach out for support. #Itaintweaktospeak.
Chrystene Conder
Guidance Officer
Thank-you to Survivor Gym
Thank-you to Survivor Gym for allowing our Sport and Recreation students an opportunity to immerse themselves in an emerging fitness trend. Students found the sessions challenging and fun!
TSHS Sports News
Congratulations and good luck!
Congratulations to students selected in the Peninsula Cross Country team - Isabelle M, Kaiden R & Brianna M.
Sports Messages
Tully SHS Athletics carnival is on Tuesday 18 June (Week 10). The theme for the day is the Nineties. Dress up in your best Nineties-inspired, House colour outfits (remember to be sun safe). Students do not need permission to participate in the Carnival, however students DO need permission for discus & high jump (flop technique).
A permission note can be found at https://tullyshs.schoolzineplus.com/form/49
In addition to parent consent, students wishing to compete high jump using the flop technique, or the spin technique for discus will need to demonstrate competence prior to the carnival. Students can come along to high jump and discus sessions on Wednesday Break 1 in Week 7 – 29 May to demonstrate competence. Sessions will be held on the oval. Please contact Mrs Parkes for further information.
Discus, triple jump and 1500m events will be held over the next three weeks. A schedule is below. Please note, this is subject to change due to weather. There will be no opportunity to compete in the pre-carnival events at the Carnival, therefore students must ensure they attend the lunchtime competitions.
CC Rugby League Challenge
The TSHS Year 7/8 and 9/10 Boys teams are competing in the annual Cassowary Coast Challenge competition. The teams play against Babinda State School and Good Counsel College this Wednesday (22/05) at TSHS, before travelling to Innisfail next week (29/05) to play Innisfail State College. Any students who are not yet involved, but would like to play, please see Mr Paton ASAP
Athletics Pre-Carnival Events
** These will not be run at the carnival **
Held 1st lunch break on the oval
Week 7 | |
Monday 27 May | TRIPLE JUMP 16/Open (continued in 2nd lunch if needed) |
Wednesday 29 May | Discus (Spin) / High Jump (Flop) competency day |
Thursday 30 May | 1500m all ages |
Week 8 | |
Monday 3 June | TRIPLE JUMP 12 / 13 girls and boys (continued in 2nd lunch if needed) |
Wednesday 5 June | TRIPLE JUMP 14 / 15 girls and boys (continued in 2nd lunch if needed) |
Thursday 6 June | DISCUS 16 / Open girls & boys |
Week 9 | |
Monday 10 June | DISCUS 12 / 13 girls and boys |
Tuesday 11 June | DISCUS 13 / 14 girls and boys |
Wednesday 12 June | CATCH UP DAY |
Thursday 13 June | CATCH UP DAY |
Friday 14 June | CATCH UP DAY |
Every year the Student Leadership Team organizes and hosts this event, culminating in a sizable donation to the Leukemia Foundation. We value our volunteers, who inspire others and help raise awareness among the student body of the urgent needs of others.
Although we had planned to conduct WGS during Week 7 this term, it will now take place on Wednesday, 7 August (Week 5). Moving it to mid-Term 3 allows more time for other volunteers to emerge, with plenty of opportunity to solicit donations to make their sacrifice worthwhile.
So far, three Year 8 girls have put themselves forward to have their ponytails cut, and are well underway with collecting donations.
If you would like to donate online, please go the World’s Greatest Shave website and follow the donate prompts. Our team is called Tully State High School 2024.
We would love some more volunteers to join our team and get, say, a buzz cut. They don’t need such a close shave to join in! If you have an offspring who needs only a little persuasion to commit themselves, please send them my way! Parents are welcome to attend, and rest assured we have qualified and experienced hair stylists.
Thierrine Bromley
Reconciliation Week
Nation Reconciliation Week is acknowledged this year on May 27 – June 3. The theme, Now More Than Ever, is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will – and must – continue.
It is important to honour the incredible culture, histories and achievements of Indigenous and Torres Strait Island Peoples, while also shining a light on the journey towards reconciliation.
Tully State High School will be acknowledging this important event on Monday May 27, with Indigenous leaders Jamie and Sipi presenting a segment at a full school assembly, followed with a Sausage Sizzle for all in Break 2. Additionally, Wellbeing classes will be including a segment on Reconciliation.
JCU Future Student Webinar Series for 2024
JCU NOW enables high achieving students in Years 11 – 12 to study first year university subjects alongside their school subjects.
The webinar will include:
- Discuss JCU NOW subjects available to students including new additions to the program for 2024.
- Hear from a current JCU student who will share their experience of the JCU NOW program.
- Provide an overview of costs, student eligibility, and the student enrolment process.
- Answer any questions students and their families may have about JCU NOW.
If you would like to learn more register for the upcoming webinar. Visit the JCU NOW webpage to find out more information.
Webinar details:
Date: Thursday 6 June 2024
Time: 7 pm - 8 pm (AEST)
Join via: Phone, tablet, or other computing device (no webcam needed)
Register for the webinar
Guidance Services
- Advocate, provide counselling, psychoeducational assessment and individual student support, recommendations and advice to students, teachers and parents concerning educational, behavioural, career development, mental health and family issues.
- Work as part of a multidisciplinary team and facilitate effective working relationships and partnerships with parents, school personnel and external support agencies in order to provide a comprehensive support, case management and referral service that optimises students' access and engagement in educational programs.
- Provide a counselling and referral service to assist students in decision making about critical educational, personal, social, emotional and career development, and provide ongoing support during the implementation phase of their decision.
- Counselling sessions are confidential, with one exception, if you are a danger to yourself or someone else, or you are at risk of harm.
The Guidance Service at Tully SHS supports students in their learning and wellbeing through career, educational and personal counselling. These areas of concern may include:
- Career Pathways
- Entrance to University or TAFE
- Subject Selection
- Friends and Relationships
- Schoolwork and Stress Management
- Mental Health
- Drugs and Alcohol
- Sleeping or Eating Problems
- Family Issues
- Student Protection concerns
Referrals to the Guidance Officer
If students are requiring support, they can arrange an appointment the online referral form - Referral to GO, alternatively scanning the QR code will direct students to the online referral form.
Appointments are scheduled for 20-30 minutes, during this time the Guidance Officer will assess the students need and develop a plan for the most appropriate course of action.
Parents can make referrals to Guidance Officer via the referral form on the school website See the link below. Alternatively scanning the QR code will direct parents to the online referral form.
Link for the GO STUDENT REFERRAL FORM: https://forms.office.com/r/MGqrNMuxLS?origin=lprLink
Link for the GO PARENT REFERRAL FORM: https://forms.office.com/r/5uSELvpuX2?origin=lprLink
Alternatively, if you are experiencing difficulties accessing the links, please email GuidanceOfficer@tullyshs.eq.edu.au with your enquiry. Please provide the following necessary information so the referral can progress more quickly:
1.Student Name
3.Referrer Name (can be SELF)
4.Date of referral
5. Priority
- URGENT: Student MUST be seen today. Student at immediate risk of harm from self or others. E.g. Suicidal threat or ideation; self-harm; threats of violence or substance use. Call GO or DP immediately.
- CONCERNING: Contact with Student within one week attendance, social/emotional, health.
- ROUTINE: Contact with Student within two weeks behaviour, academic.
6. Reason for Referral
- Behaviour (Anger, Aggression, Bullying, Other)
- Academic (Careers, Pathways, Educational Adjustment)
- Attendance (School Refusal, Engagement, Truanting, Time Keeping)
- Social/Emotional (Anxiety, Depression, Low Mood, Self-harm, Suicidal Ideation)
- Health (Sleep, Body Image, Substance Abuse)
- Other…..
7. Please expand on your reason for referral, include any information that may help with assessment of student wellbeing
8. Intervention strategies already implemented.
9. Have you discussed the referral with the student? (Not applicable if you are referring yourself)
Support Services:
- Emergency services - 000
- Kids Helpline - 1800 551 800
- Lifeline - 13 11 14
- ParentLine - 1300 301 300
- Family and Child Connect - 13 32 64
- Headspace - 1800 650 890
- Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636
- 13Yarn – 13 92 76
- Qlife – 1800 184 527
- DV Connect Womensline – 1800 811 811
- DV Connect Mensline – 1800 600 636
Career Spotlight
How to become a Flight Attendant External link
Flight attendants, also known as cabin crew, are responsible for passengers' comfort and safety while onboard an aircraft. The job includes a wide variety of responsibilities and tasks, from serving food and drink to providing first aid. You'll be working in a fast-paced environment, meeting new people, and experiencing different cultures.
If you have great people skills and want a career that can take you all over the world, you might like to consider becoming a flight attendant.
What skills do I need as a flight attendant?
- Excellent communicator
- Neat & presentable
- Can remain calm under pressure
- Organised & efficient
- Adaptable & flexible
- Polite & helpful
- Can work in teams & independent
- Reliable & trustworthy
What does the job involve?
- Prepare aircraft for passengers to board
- Check tickets & direct passengers to their seats
- Perform safety demonstrations & checks
- Serve food & drink mid-flight
- Assist passengers with special needs
- Help passengers stow luggage
- Keep passengers calm & comfortable
- Perform emergency procedures if necessary
What industries do flight attendants typically work in?
- Transport, Postal & Warehousing
- Public Administration & Safety
- Administrative & Support Services
What kind of lifestyle can I expect?
You will most likely need to work on weekends and holidays, as this is when many people travel, as well as late nights and early mornings. Of course, you'll also need to be prepared to spend a fair bit of time away from home.
There are many part-time roles available for flight attendants. Your roster is typically scheduled well in advance so you can plan around when you'll be at home and abroad.
Most flight attendants earn an average salary throughout their career.
How to become a flight attendant
To become a flight attendant, you will need to complete a rigorous training program that covers topics such as safety procedures, customer service, food service, and emergency response. This training is often provided by the airline that employs you, and includes both classroom instruction and hands-on experience. Additionally, you may need to undergo training in CPR and first aid, as well as pass a background check.
Certain airlines may also have particular physical requirements for flight attendants, such as height, weight, and body modification restrictions (e.g. tattoos, piercings, etc.). Being able to speak multiple languages is also often an advantage.
If you're in high school and you'd like to find out if a career as a flight attendant is right for you, here's a few things you could do right now:
- In many cases, you can get a head-start on desired qualifications (such as first aid) before you leave school.
- See if you can find work experience or volunteer opportunities to start building important skills you need for the job.
- Talk to a flight attendant to see what a day in their life is like. If you don't know anyone, see if you can watch videos or documentaries about a career in aviation or tourism.
Find out more here:
- Qantas External link
- Jetstar External link
- Virgin Australia External link
- Air New Zealand External link
- British Airways External link
- Aer Lingus External link
- American Airlines External link
- Air Canada External link
- Emirates External link
- Etihad Airways External link
- Lufthansa External link
- Cathay Pacific External link
- Singapore Airlines External link
Similar careers to flight attendant
- Pilot
- Tour Guide
- Air Traffic Controller
- Travel Agent
- Bus Driver
- Immigration Officer
- Hotel Manager
- Customer Service Representative
100 Year Centenary Celebration
100 Years of Fashion Tea Party
Tully 100 Art Exhibition
Cairns Maritime Jobs & Careers Expo
Coles Winter Carnival
Girringun Tumra Open Day
N Q Lifesaving
Cassowary Coast Regional Council
Cassowary Coast Regional Council is planning for the future and invites all residents aged 14 years and older to take part in the 2024 Community Scorecard. We encourage you all to embrace this opportunity to tell Council about your needs in local community services, facilities and programs. The feedback that you provide will help shape our future through regional planning and advocacy. Please take part in the Community Scorecard by Friday 7 June through the online portal at https://yoursay.cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au/2024-scorecard.
Bringing up Great Kids
P & C Meetings
Tully State High School P&C Meeting will be on the 20th June at the Mission Beach Resort Function Room at 5.30 pm.
FNQ Basketball League
FNQ BASKETBALL LEAGUE is looking for volunteers to help at Friday Night Basketball held at the MPC. Roles include the canteen, door and we are also looking for one special student who would like a shot at announcing the players on the microphone. This would suit a drama student, someone who has no fear of speaking in public and would perhaps one day like to get into radio or tv presentation.
Those interested please email fnqbasketballleague@gmail.com
Or phone 0401847521
Tully 100 Years
Well Womens Clinic – Tully Hospital
Well Womens Clinic – Tully Hospital
(These clinics are available to Medicare eligible clients)
Wednesday 5th June 2024
Service includes Cervical Screening Tests (Pap Smears), Sexual Health Screening, Breast Awareness, also info on Contraception, Continence, Menopause, Lifestyle Issues, etc. All services are provided by a specially trained Women’s Health Nurse.
For appointments phone 4068 4144 (Tues/Wed/Thurs 9am-1pm)