Term 1 - Week 2 - January 2024
From The Principal
Welcome to Tully State High
2024 National Drone Racing Bootcamp
Year 7 Meet and Greet BBQ
2024 Senior Investiture
Parent and Community Code of Conduct
New Group Reading Test (NGRT)
Queensland Health School Immunisation Program (SIP)
TSHS Uniform Dress Standard
TSHS Uniform Shop
P & C Meetings
TSHS Tuckshop - Banny Bites Menu
Tully Touch - Season 1
Casual Cleaners Wanted
Uniforms Wanted!
Tully Multipurpose Centre
From The Principal
Dear Parent and Carers,
It is with great pleasure that I write my first newsletter article for Tully State High School as Principal for 2024. My goal as Tully SHS Principal is to lead the school community to achieve outstanding student success. I am a huge believer in that it takes a village to raise a child, and Tully is an outstanding community to support this Chinese proverb.
We will work tirelessly with students and staff to ensure every student succeeds whatever their selected pathway. Tully SHS can deliver the vision a world of possibilities for everyone if students, parents, staff and community are supportive of our wonderful school.
In 2024, Tully SHS aims to publish a school newsletter every fortnight on the Friday of odd weeks in the term. This first newsletter outlines events in the coming weeks that are essential for parents to attend.
I have extremely high expectations of myself, staff, students and the community. Our school rules are whole-of-community focussed:
- We are safe
- We are respectful
- We are responsible
- We are learners.
The purpose of schooling to receive an education! For this to happen, students and parents need to clearly work with teachers and staff to have the right equipment, mindset and to be always be willing to have a go and learn. It is not acceptable for students to disrupt another student from learning and the teacher from teaching! We understand that we are working with young people; however, our staff is highly skilled and able to support all learners.
Education is a partnership between student – teacher – parent – community! Let’s do this together to ensure Tully State High School delivers on outstanding results for ALL of our students.
In this newsletter, I have included the Education Department’s Parent Code of Conduct. Please review this brief document. If you ever have any concerns or issues regarding your child’s education, please book an appointment with a member of our team to have a respectful conversation.
I look forward to meeting parents and carers at our school events, and in the community.
In closing, I would like to congratulate and acknowledge our school’s recipients of prestigious Australia Day Awards at the Cassowary Coast Ceremony last week – Richard Graham, Citizen of the Year; Nadine O’ Farrell, Service to Sport; 2023 Year 12 student, Hannah Beeron, First Nations Fire Award; and current Year 7 students Emily Muriata, for her Young Arts and Culture Award, and Shaun Riley, who received the 2024 Youth Sports Bursary. Recognition at this level is truly an honour!
Yours in learning,
Ms Helen Carne
Welcome to Tully State High
Name: Lauren Jarvis
Teaching area: Head of Special Education Services
Studied: University of Southern Queensland
Hometown: Grew up on a dairy farm in Victoria
Moved from: Emerald State High School
Likes/hobbies: Hanging out with my family, participating in musical theatre.
My name is Chris Calleja, currently at the school on a two-and-a-half-year internship through the Trade to Teach program instigated by ex-Principal Richard Graham to enable tradespeople to transition to the classroom. I will be working in ITD, studying as I go through the internship. After completing a four-year carpentry apprenticeship, I gained my still current Builders Licence over 32 years ago, then recently completed my Diploma in Building and Construction. I have a beautiful wife, Colleen, who currently works in the office, and four wonderful children - Leigh 32, twin boys Zachary and Jay, 29, and Lauren, who is 24. A local boy from Innisfail, I love the outdoors, fishing and spearfishing, along with my greatest passion - playing golf. Thank you, Tully High, for this opportunity. I look forward to the next few years getting to know you all.
Name: Shane Murgatroyd
Teaching area: Marine Science, Agriculture
Studied: University of the Sunshine Coast
Hometown: Beachmere, S E Qld
Likes/hobbies: Greatly enjoy fishing, diving, hiking and swimming in waterfalls.
Name: Ebony Harper
Commenced at TSHS: Mid 2023
Teaching area: Visual Art and Design
Studied: Griffith University (B.Des) and QUT (M.Teach)
Hometown: I grew up on Brisbane's Bayside and relocated to South Mission Beach five years ago
Likes/hobbies. Spearfishing, Boating, Arts, Design, Crafts ... and a good cup of tea!
Name: Cassie Maddocks
Teaching area: Visual Art and History
Studied: Brisbane
Hometown: Sawtell, Mid North Coast of NSW
Moved from: Coolangatta, Gold Coast
Likes/hobbies: Making art, reading, being in nature.
Name: Tim Burch
Teaching area: English, Wellbeing
Studied: Ballarat University, Victoria
Hometown: Grew up on a dairy farm in Victoria
Moved from: Cairns
Likes/hobbies: Motocross, tennis, AFL, fishing.
My name is Kady Canfield and I am teaching English here at Tully State High School! I am from Cairns and have always loved Far North Queensland so I am excited to explore the natural beauty of the Cassowary Coast region.
I am looking forward to getting to know my students and their families across the year!
Name: Blair Mortimer
Teaching Area: HPE, Business and Math
Studied: Southern Cross University
From: Palm Beach Currumbin SHS, Gold Coast.
Name: Michelle Baldwin
Teaching Area: Agriculture
Studied: University of Tennessee, USC
From: Tennessee via Moreton Bay
Likes/Hobbies: I enjoy hiking, painting, fishing and baking.
2024 National Drone Racing Bootcamp
CDTCPL McMullen was chosen as one of the 32 of 19,000 cadets selected from all over Australia to attend the 2024 National Drone Racing Bootcamp held at the Gallipoli Barracks in Enoggera. The 8 day course covered build, program, race simulator training and flying in both 3 and 5 inch racing drones. The course was mentored by the Army Drone Racing Team. Congratulations Miki on becoming an FPV pilot!
Do you, or someone you know want to try something new this year?! By joining the #AustralianArmyCadets you will better yourself, while bettering your local community.
If this sounds like something you're interested in, head to https://www.armycadets.gov.au/join/ to find out how to join us at Tully 💪 Our unit parades every Tuesday night at the Syrimus between 5pm - 8pm in school term with camps held in school holidays and some weekends throughout the year. There is a small unit joining fee of $50 with uniforms supplied by the Army at no cost. If you would like to see us in person to find out more feel free to come and chat on Tuesdays 5pm to 9pm.
First parade night is Tuesday January 23rd
#AusArmyCadets #YouthDevelopment #ALLIN
Year 7 Meet and Greet BBQ
Thursday February 1
5:00 – 6:00 pm
In the undercover area at TSHS
This is a fantastic opportunity to come and meet your child’s teachers as well as other staff and parents.
We would love to see you there and look forward to meeting you!
2024 Senior Investiture
Parent and Community Code of Conduct
New Group Reading Test (NGRT)
In weeks 2 & 3, we are, as is our practice, assessing all of the Year 7 students’ reading level. This is done on an online platform through GL Assessment using the “New Group Reading Test” (NGRT). The test comprises 2 parts – 10 sentences where students complete the correct word from given choices, then 3 reading passages with 8 – 10 questions. The test responds to the students’ answers and provides easier or harder reading passages depending on their progress. Once the results are available, parents receive a letter with their child’s reading age from that test, and some recommended ways to continue engaging their child in the very important habit of reading.
Kathleen Macdonald - M Ed - Head of English
Mark McLoughlin | Deputy Principal - Junior School
Queensland Health School Immunisation Program (SIP)
Tully State High School participates in the Queensland Health School Immunisation Program (SIP).
The 2024 SIP consists of the following:
Year 7 - Boostrix (Diptheria, Tetanus & Whooping Cough booster)
- Gardasil 9 (HPV)
Year 10 - Meningococcal ACWY & Meningococcal B (2 doses)
Catch up sessions for other year groups are conducted where required.
Monday 11 March 2024 – Year 7 Gardasil 9 (hpv) & Boostrix & Year 10 Men ACWY & Men B Dose 1
Monday 22 July 2024 – Year 10 Men B Dose 2 & catchup’s with 3 vaccinators
Immunisation Consent forms are available from the school, and will be handed to year 7 and 10 students over the first couple of weeks of term 1.
Consent forms are to be returned to Tully High School as soon as possible after being received or when remembered – with reply either “yes” or “no”. Immunisation sessions are conducted at your school by Q Health staff. Catch up immunisation sessions are conducted regularly by Q Health staff.
Arrangements can be made for immunisations to be given at the local Community Health Clinic should this be requested by the family please call Jane 0429645666.
For all of your Immunisation questions please contact your local School Immunisation Program Co-Ordinator:
Jane Nolan
School Immunisation Program Co-Ordinator
Cassowary Area Community Health
Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service
M: 0429645666
Frequently asked questions for parent, legal guardian or authorised person
What is the School Immunisation Program?
The Queensland School Immunisation Program offers Year 7 and Year 10 students in all Queensland
secondary schools free nationally recommended immunisations to protect against vaccine
preventable diseases. Year 7 students are offered vaccination against human papillomavirus and
diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (whooping cough). Year 10 students are offered vaccination against
meningococcal disease.
How does it operate?
The School Immunisation Program commenced as a statewide program in Queensland in 2007
as the most efficient and effective way to immunise adolescents. Queensland Health authorises
school immunisation providers to visit schools and immunise students. To be immunised in the
School Immunisation Program, students must return a consent card signed by their parent, legal
guardian or authorised person. If a consent card is not returned, the student is not vaccinated.
What is the legislation relating to student and parent, legal guardian or authorised person information?
The Public Health Act 2005 requires the school Principal to provide information to approved school
immunisation providers for the purposes of following up the parent, legal guardian or authorised
person of students who have not returned a consent card. This includes:
- the name and date of birth of a student
- the name, telephone number, email address and postal address of a parent, legal guardian or
authorised person of a student, and
- any other information prescribed by regulation about a student. This may include whether the
student is male or female, which class or group they are attached to, the languages spoken at
the student’s home and the student’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status.
How does disclosing student and parent, legal guardian or authorised person information benefit the school immunisation program?
In some schools a large number of immunisation consent cards don’t get returned to school. This
means parents, legal guardians or authorised persons may not be receiving information about the
program and given the opportunity for their child to be immunised.
Disclosing student and parent, legal guardian or authorised person information means that the
school immunisation providers will be able to determine those who have and have not consented,
and directly follow-up with the parents, legal guardians or authorised persons of students who
have not returned a consent card. This direct follow-up ensures all parents, legal guardians or
authorised persons are offered the opportunity for their child to participate in this important
school health program and protect their child against vaccine preventable diseases. It may also
assist in making decisions about their child’s immunisation needs.
If my child returns a consent card to school, will I be contacted?
No. If your child returns a consent card to school, you will not be contacted. However, you may be
contacted if the information you provided on the consent card is not clear or incomplete.
Can I decline consent for my child to participate in the school immunisation program?
Yes. You will need to complete the consent card to record your refusal in the ‘No to vaccination’
section and return the consent card to your child’s school. This will ensure you are not contacted by
the school immunisation provider.
Is the Principal required to pass on student and parent, legal guardian or authorised person information to a school immunisation provider?
Yes, unless the Principal determines it is not in the best interest of the student to pass on the
information. An example of this may be a child under a protection order.
How will the information be protected?
All school immunisation providers are bound to comply with the Queensland Information Privacy
Act 2009. This Act stipulates the requirements for the secure collection, use, storage and disposal
of personal information to be followed by school health program providers.
How will information be transferred, used and stored?
Student and parent, legal guardian or authorised person information will be given to the school
immunisation provider in a secure format agreed to by the Principal and the school immunisation
provider early in the school year. The information will be securely stored and only accessed by
authorised staff. School immunisation providers must store and dispose of disclosed student
information in accordance with the Queensland State Archives guidelines.
Where can I get more information?
- Call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)
- Visit Queensland Health’s Immunisation website:
https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/immunisation/ adolescent.
TSHS Uniform Dress Standard
TSHS Uniform Shop
The Uniform shop is open 8am - 9am every Wednesday morning during the school term.
P & C Meetings
Tully State High School P & C meetings are held every THIRD Thursday of each month @ 3:30 pm in the Millside Cafe.
TSHS Tuckshop - Banny Bites Menu
Tully Touch - Season 1
Casual Cleaners Wanted
Tully High School would like to employ casual cleaners to work split shifts: mornings from 5am to 8am, afternoons from 3pm to 6pm. Blue Card is essential. To apply, please forward resume with a copy of Paid Blue Card (P) to the Business Manager esomm3@eq.edu.au
Uniforms Wanted!
Do you have any pre-loved school uniforms hanging around unloved and unused?
Please donate them to our school.
We have students who would be grateful for a spare set, and then there are also those unfortunate emergencies...