Term 3 - Week 10 - September 2022
From The Principal
Weekend of Professional Development
Get Up, Stand Up, Show Up
Science Week 2022
The Arts Faculty
Tully State High School Agriculture A Happening Place
Teens Need Vaccines
Inspiration from a Young Millennial
Another Winner!
SLT Update – Cupcakes & Farewells
Year 11 v 12 Rugby League
From the Guidance Officer
From the Maths Department
Congratulations Kathy
Tilapia Tournament
TSHS Uniform Dress Standard
TSHS Uniform Shop
Managing your Digital Reputation
Queensland Stories!
Bored in Breaks?
P & C Meetings
Well Women’s Clinics
Casual Cleaners Wanted
Water Polo
Uniforms Wanted!
Tully Multipurpose Centre
From The Principal
As usual Term 3 is a demanding time for the school community. With a number of events occurring during the term along with significant assessment, subject selections and leadership elections it certainly is an exciting term. It is wonderful to see that the school has taken the terms business in their stride. I wish you all the best for the September holiday period and look forward to catching up again in the new term.
Staff leadership changes
The Deputy Principal position vacant after Mr McLoughlin left earlier in the term has now been filled. The successful applicant is Mr Adrian Jeloudev. Mr Jeloudev comes to us from Tagai State College and we look forward to welcoming him to the Tully SHS team. Many thanks to Mr Townsend and Mrs Sloan-Orlandi for covering this role during Mr McLoughlin's absence.
Student Leadership
Over the past few weeks students have been an integral part of the leadership process. All nominees for leadership positions were required to write an application, attend an interview and present a speech on parade for the student body. There is no question that all nominees are to be congratulated for their courage and initiative in putting their hand up for leadership roles.
Congratulations to the successful students as determined by student and staff votes.
Junior Captain processes will occur early in Term 4.
Year 12 Formal
I had the pleasure of attending the very recent Year 12 Formal held in the MPC building. Our Year 12’s looked splendid and proud as they walked the red carpet. Congratulations to Ms Walker and the Formal Committee who have been meeting regularly for several months. The success of this event is due to the large number of staff and students involved in preparation and helping on the night.
Our Year 12 students are now focused on their external exams and Graduation parade to be held later in Term 4.
Herberton Trip
Recently I visited the Historical Village in Herberton with some of our Humanities students under the tutelage of Ms Johannsen – Weston. Students were taken back to local turn of the century schooling and community, sitting in early 1900 classrooms complete with ink wells and slate boards and then watching a local blacksmith in action. The day was both exciting and educational.
Weekend of Professional Development
In August, the English faculty was well represented in Brisbane at the English Teachers Association State Conference. Not only did Kathy Macdonald (HOD), Keira Ryan, and Brooke Roche present three separate, well-received workshops, but learnt a great deal from the two keynote speakers – Kirli Saunders, and Dr Stewart Riddle. Each also attended another two workshops, enjoyed interacting with text book providers, and were enriched by networking opportunities. Kathy caught up with other fellow syllabus writers, and introduced Keira and Brooke to them, the ETAQ executive, and other Heads of Department from different sectors.
Brooke worked with two other teachers from Far North Queensland exploring ways to enable students to think for themselves in their writing responses. They spoke about merging thinking frames with repeated exposure to genre exemplars to empower students to achieve personal success as learners. Keira spoke about using modelling strategies to set realistic and achievable goals for refining students’ writing. Kathy presented an interactive workshop based on the theory of David Didau. It explored the purposes and benefits of slow writing, as well as writing on demand and speed writing to discover, explore and consolidate ideas and a range of sentence structures.
We are looking forward to next year’s conference.
Get Up, Stand Up, Show Up
This year’s NAIDOC theme was Get Up, Stand Up, Show Up. We celebrated this significant event at Tully High School throughout Week 5 of this term. Activities showcasing our culture, customs and traditions were enjoyed by all. Traditional games, painting, weaving, Kup Murri food and, of course, our deadly dancers, entertained us.
This group were also invited to dance at Tully State and St Clare’s Primary Schools and Tully Tigers Rugby League Club invited us to dance for the Indigenous Rugby League round.
Congratulations to all involved - your pride for your culture and traditions shone through.
Science Week 2022
This Term we celebrated Science Week during Week 6 from 15 to 19 August. The national theme this year was Glass: more than meets the eye, which aimed at sparking discussion on the role glass has played in innovation and progress in our society.
A big thank-you to the Science Ambassador students who volunteered time out of their lunches to plan and deliver fun and engaging experiments and activities during the week, creating posters and advertisements and blessing our notices with science facts-of-the-day. As a group, the Science Ambassadors decided to offer five different experiments, one on each day, with most relating to the theme of glass. Monday and Friday were by far our best turnouts. On Monday, students came to watch our Year 12 Chemistry leaders conduct the elephant toothpaste demonstration, and on Friday huge crowds came along to make their own sherbet with the help of our ambassadors. During the week, students also came to make periscopes, participate in colour-changing flame tests and guess which items were under the microscope.
We were also fortunate enough to have Dr Lynette Beattie, Senior Research Officer for the Department of Microbiology & Immunology at the University of Melbourne, zoom-call with us and talk to our Senior students about careers and career pathways in STEM.
Thank you to all those who helped and participated, and we can’t wait to bring a bigger and better Science Week next year.
The Arts Faculty
Winners of the Yr 9 Portraiture Awards, The Archies, were presented last Friday by sponsor, Rick Taylor, from Tully Office Supplies. The Judge, Jeanette Clayton, chose three grand prize winners:
Highly Commended - Jasmin Gallagher with her portrait of Miss McDonald and Rosealee Norris with her portrait of Ms Willis.
The overall winner was Jackson Simpson with his amazing portrait of Mr Giffin.
Five students also received encouragement awards: Luke Sorbello, Mikayla Waina, Tilly Luland, Chase Hart and Ashlee Milini.
The community will be able to view all of the portraits at our annual Arts extravaganza evening, Imaginarium, early next term.
Ms Willis
Art Teacher
HoD Junior Secondary
Earth Art uses the landscape as a site for ephemeral sculptures made by manipulating the earth as material. It was conceived in the 1960s, when little consideration was given to the impact on the land. This is not the case with our students and their art; in fact, they immersed themselves in the landscape at school and the beach making sure to touch the earth lightly. Through their studies into Jill Chism, a Far North Queensland artist and environmentalist, issues of conservation and preservation arose.
Ms Holmes
Art Teacher
The Year 7 music classes have worked towards their performance assessment, where they chose between guitar or keyboard to play Ode to Joy. During the practical lessons, students have been challenging themselves, not only to learn their assessment piece, but to develop the skills to play an instrument through other pieces of music and skill-building exercises such as chords and reading chord charts.
Lilly McDonald
Music Teacher
Very exciting stuff in the world of Drama this term! Both the Year 10 and 12 classes have been writing their own production to be showcased. Children’s Theatre is the unit for the Year 10s this term, in which they have written a modern adaptation of Little Red Riding Hood that was performed at the Tully Kindergarten in Week 9. The Year 12 Drama in Practice students have finished the course with a bang as they performed their modern adaptation of Frankenstein to some Year 7 and 8 classes.
Lilly McDonald
Drama Teacher
In the second half of this term in Year 7 Drama, we have been looking at the Elements of Drama and creating a performance based on a scenario. Students have worked really hard and have created some very entertaining performances. Here are some photos while they are dressed in costume.
Drama Club
Drama Club is open to all students and started mid-way through Term one on a Thursday lunch time.
In Week 10, the Drama Club headed over to the Tully C&K to perform Peter Pan- Tinkerbelle Gone Rouge. At the start of this term, we began brainstorming a script for a new performance. We knew the kindy students had been reading Peter Pan this term, and we wanted to use a story they were familiar with but put a twist on it. Students rehearsed Wednesdays and Thursdays to create our ten-minute performance, which we then presented to the Kindy students. The students involved had a great time performing, and if the cheers from the audience were anything to go by, the Kindy kids enjoyed watching the performance, especially looking out for the crocodile.
If you would also like to see this production, students will be performing at Imaginarium on 13 October.
Drama Club will be continuing next term for the first five weeks, and then will restart next year when we hope to create another performance.
Drama Teacher
Tully State High School Agriculture A Happening Place
Another successful year for the members of the Cattle Stud Show Team. After many weeks of preparation and challenging weather conditions, the students made it into the show ring. Our first show was Cairns, where five of the senior students and eight cattle competed. We followed up in Tully the next week, with all six students doing very well in the junior handler and junior judging competitions and brought home ribbons, in both events.
I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the support and thank this year’s chaperones, Ms Celia McNamara and Ms Cathy Lowe, Mr David Machan, for transporting the cattle from the Tully Show and Sam and Amy Strutt for the generous loan of their arena, for our final training session, before exhibition.
The members of this year’s show team are:
Mia Simmons Reese McNamara Maeve Lowe Teala Hall Alyssa Patch Drew O’Kane
Congratulations to all students on their achievements.
We are also very pleased to announce that phase one of our cattle training facility will commence construction this year, ready for show training in 2023.
The Certificate II in Rural Operations students have been busy propagating lettuce and herbs in our greenhouse and the Animal Husbandry students were also involved in this year’s Artificial Insemination program, on the cattle stud.
Warren Giffin
Agriculture Co-ordinator
Teens Need Vaccines
Last term, Year 11 student Isabella O’Toole entered a competition offered by Tropical Public Health Services (Cairns) to design a Teens Need Vaccines shirt. Isabella took out first place in this competition and Nicole Gordon-Cooke and her colleague Karen, both clinical nurses, presented Isabella with her winning T-shirt design on last week’s Assembly.
The competition was open to all people of high school age who identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and who resided in the Cairns region. Entries had to feature designs in keeping with traditional Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander culture. Isabella’s design now features on this year’s Teens Need Vaccines shirt that will be distributed to Indigenous Health Care Workers & School Immunisation Program nurses in the Cairns Region. Our school nurse, Ms Skinner, will be wearing one also.
Congratulations Isabella!
Inspiration from a Young Millennial
Just 24, Milly Rose Bannister already has an impressive CV. Armed with a BA in Journalism + Media/Comms, she left Brisbane for New York upon graduation, and somehow (baffling to a Baby Boomer) stayed financially afloat by blogging about her travels and experiences. Ms Bannister continues to forge her own way as a communications specialist to a virtual community of more than 160,000, and as a brand ambassador/promoter for global companies as diverse as Elle Bache and Google.
Some weeks ago, Milly addressed the Year 11 cohort and their English teachers, and enthralled her audience with the story of her journey since leaving school. Being just a little older than the majority of her listeners, she tapped directly into their current apprehensions and anticipations for their looming futures, and managed both to assuage and inspire.
Since her return to Australia, Milly has continued her career trajectory and broadened her concerns. She is the founder and CEO of the mental health promotion charity ALLKND ORGANIZATION, and has acquired a Diploma in Positive Psychology and certification in Human Research and Suicide Prevention.
Ms Bannister spoke for almost an hour, her audience – both young and older – transfixed by her story and her insights. There was time for Q & A, and during the lunch break that followed, several students stayed behind for individual conversations.
It is so satisfying to be able to give students access to someone as inspiring and relatable as Milly Bannister.
Thierrine Bromley
Another Winner!
Blaire Bishop won the Outstanding Achievement in Photography Award at last Friday night's opening of the Energy Exhibition in Cairns. The competition is open to Senior students from Tully to Tagai.
SLT Update – Cupcakes & Farewells
As a last magnificent gesture, the 2021 – 2022 Student Leadership Team baked and sold a stack (horizontal of course) of cupcakes for our annual donation to Paws & Claws, the Cassowary Coast Animal Shelter in Innisfail. Students and teachers flocked to our stall, emptying the trays before the bell rang to end the lunch break.
So it was with great pleasure that Amali Renfrey, our out-going Vice President and long term member, was able to present a cheque of $800 to the manager at our Assembly last Monday. He expressed his gratitude, but we were all shocked to hear that this time, unfortunately, the money was sorely needed to cover the medical expenses incurred by the increasing numbers of injured animals received by the shelter.
Dave had brought a kitten that the shelter had saved from being euthanised. A tiny, delicate creature, it solemnly accepted the stroking hands of a whirl of students as they left for class.
Thanks to Mark Watson Construction, our Year 12 Industrial Skills students had the opportunity to visit a working construction site. Students learnt about the processes involved in building a house, from construction drawings to final fittings.
The students were also tasked with building an interior ensuite wall. This involved accurate measurement, marking, sawing, nailing, levelling and then inspecting the product: all skills fundamental to the quality of the finished product.
Thank you to Mark Watson Construction for sharing your home and expertise.
Year 11 v 12 Rugby League
Congratulations to the Year 12 boys for taking out the Year 11 v 12 Walker Memorial Trophy last week for the first time in three years! The 12s came out on top - 28 points to 12 over the Year 11s. Jason Hallie was awarded the Andrew Cripps Player of the Match medal, an award he also won in last year’s match. Jason congratulated the team on their iconic win. He gave full credit to ‘the boys’ for the team performance.
To cap off a great day, the Year 12s celebrated a double with a win in the girls’ Year 12 v 11 Teitzel IGA match. The 12s won 20 to 0. Congratulations to Jazmin Akiba who won the newly named Romy Teitzel Player of the Match.
Cassowary Coast District Athletics Carnival
Congratulations to all team members on great performances at the District Trials held earlier this term. Tully SHS took out first place overall. This is the first time in many years that Tully has won the carnival ahead of Innisfail, Babinda, Good Counsel and Radiant Life. A fantastic achievement to celebrate and credit to the contributions of all team members. Congratulations to the 67 TSHS students who were selected in the Cassowary Coast Athletics team. Several students featured in the age champion results on the day. Congratulations to Age Champions Brooke Johnston (15 girls) and Sari Ericson (16 girls).
The Peninsula trials were held for the first time in three years. Many TSHS students attended track & field trials at Barlow Park in Cairns for the very first time. Congratulations to those who had the distinction of being placed in the top three for their events - a great achievement at the Peninsula District level:
Santana Fawkes – Shot Put (2nd)
Jason Hallie – Shot Put (1st) & Discus (1st)
Tahkya Huxley-Gosling – High Jump (1st)
Emily Jeffrey – Javelin (1st)
Ellie Jenkins – 800m (2nd), 100m (2nd), 200m (1st), 400m (1st)
Lachlan McKiernan-Newman – Triple Jump (3rd)
Raj Singh – 100m (1st), 200m (1st)
Harry Tamblyn – 800m (2nd), 1500m (2nd)
From the Guidance Officer
Check out these School TV topics below:
The 7 Habits of Highly Happy People
Highly happy people all share happy habits. It’s as simple as that. The happiest people I know share 7 very obvious habits. If you’re looking to expand your general happiness you may consider adopting these... click here
Conversation starters
Are you struggling to talk to your teen about their screen time? These question cards are designed to be used in a family or education setting to start everyday conversations about online safety. The cards cover topics such as identifying online risks, using technology safely and reporting unsafe behaviour. Use them together with the information at eSafety Young People, and empower your teenager to take control of their online experience.
School TV, exam stress
Happy holidays to everyone!
From the Maths Department
Have you ever wondered how long it would take you to walk around the Earth? Well Year 9C students were presented with the task to try to solve this exact problem last week. After developing a mathematical model, making a lot of assumptions and measuring their walking pace, students determined that it would take them approximately 525 days to walk around the Earth. This included, everyday for 16 hours a day.
Congratulations Kathy
Kathy White Competes at IVF World Sprint Championships 2022, Dorney Lake August 8 to 16
After three years of training, with seven sessions per week of outrigger canoe paddling, cardio and strength work, Kathy White is stoked with the result.
‘To be a part of the IVF World Sprint Championships in Winsor, London, was an incredible experience, both as an individual competitor and part of a team.’
The event was hotly contested with very close racing, often hundredths of a second between medal placings. New Zealand was the standout competitor, followed by Canada, Great Britain, Hawaii, Brazil and the USA. The balance of the medal tally was shared among the remaining countries, including Australia. White is still thrilled about her achievements and those of her team.‘As a part of our FNQ squad in the Master 40 Women in the outrigger canoe six-man, V1 (single rudderless outrigger canoe), and V12 (twelve-man outrigger canoe – being two six-man canoes rigged together) to make the Finals in all events across age divisions, including a couple of Open events was truly amazing. Coming home with a Bronze in the Master 40 OC6, 1000m Lane Sprint with three turns, and a Silver in the V12 Master 50 500m Straight Sprint, feels as good as Gold to me.’
‘No matter what you do in life,’ she says, ‘it’s always great to enjoy reward for effort when you set yourself a challenge.’
Tilapia Tournament
TSHS Uniform Dress Standard
TSHS Uniform Shop
The Uniform shop is open 8 - 9 every Wednesday morning during the school term. P & C are doing our best at keeping prices as low as possible in order to have affordable uniforms to all students. Unfortunately, the uniform suppliers for the Formal Uniform have increased prices quite a bit this year therefore we have had to raise the prices on these and the school jackets. We would like to remind parents that Formal Uniforms can be hired from the school if your child is requiring one for school representation or speech night.
Managing your Digital Reputation
Social media has become such an integral part of a teenager’s life that it can cause anxiety and lower their self-esteem. Modern teens are learning to do most of their communication while looking at a screen instead of another person. They are missing out on very critical social skills.
Once information makes its way online, it can be difficult to remove. Images and words can be misinterpreted and altered as they are easily and quickly shared around. Privacy settings on social media sites need to be managed in order to protect your child’s digital reputation.
Please read the fact sheet on Managing Your Reputation.
Queensland Stories!
Topology are set to return to Tully this November for their exciting mainstage performance of Queensland Stories! Combining music composed by Topology along with songs written by the people of Tully, Queensland Stories celebrates the creative landscapes of this vast state.
Join Topology’s musicians along with local artists for an unmissable evening of live music performance, film and song at the Tully Multi-Purpose Hall on Saturday 12th of November. Tickets can be purchased online as well as at the door on the night.
We hope to see you there!
Bored in Breaks?
P & C Meetings
Tully State High School P & C meetings are held every THIRD Thursday of each month @ 3:30 pm in the Millside Cafe.
Well Women’s Clinics
These clinics are available to Medicare eligible clients.
Service includes Cervical Screening Tests (Pap Smears), Sexual Health Screening, Breast Awareness, also info on Contraception, Continence, Menopause, Lifestyle Issues, Domestic Violence, etc. All services are provided by a specially trained Women’s Health Nurse.
Mission Beach CHC: Tuesday 11th October Ph 4016 1447
Tully Hospital: Wednesday 12th October Ph 4226 4812
Casual Cleaners Wanted
Tully High School would like to employ casual cleaners to work split shifts: mornings from 5am to 8am, afternoons from 3pm to 6pm. Blue Card is essential. To apply, please forward resume with a copy of Paid Blue Card (P) to the Business Manager esomm3@eq.edu.au
Water Polo
Uniforms Wanted!
Do you have any pre-loved school uniforms hanging around unloved and unused?
Please donate them to our school.
We have students who would be grateful for a spare set, and then there are also those unfortunate emergencies...